Ryder 40, Wood 36 and some others ... Public Deposited


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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Tue Aug 07 05:06:17 2012
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    From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
    Subject: Re: Ryder 40, Wood 36 and some others ...
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    For M.56-n the XRF acted as a assay screen and basically proved it was stru=
    ck and not cast. The metrology of the coin (diameter, weight and thickness =
    was virtually identical to the French 1 Sol). There are traces of undertype=
    but it would take time to unravel. The current owner only wanted to determ=
    ine if it was genuine struck piece ... in my opinion ... it is ... it will =
    probably be sold at the ANA or consigned to the C4 Auction ... I would ...

    Anton could care less whether you believe its real or not ... in some ways =
    this is a problem ... that's Bill Anton ... he is only doing this for the b=
    ook ... his sons want to give this to him as as a momento ... I will take t=
    he coin as far as EDAX will allow me and Bill Anton ... all I can do is pro=
    ve its struck and its microstructure is genuine to other pieces of the era =

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron" <bkw11@...> wrote:
    > I'm still trying to figure out why you think the Jozapaitis 56-n is overs=
    truck on a French Sol. As far as I can tell the only thing they really have=
    in common is weight, and the 56-n is a grain or so heavier. And the XRF st=
    atistical minutia apparently doesn't prove anything, in fact it seems to be=
    quite off comparing the two.
    > Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them =
    myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply w=
    ith justice and force: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies an=
    d statistics."
    > - Autobiography of Mark Twain
    > As for the dead horse, may God have mercy on his soul!
    > Byron
    > --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@> wrote:
    > >
    > > Finally got to do some XRF assays (initial analysis) on some coins for =
    the upcoming Forgotten Coins Book. Some comments:
    > >=20
    > >=20
    > > 1. Canadian Blackmsith Wood 36: Rarity 8? (Two Known?) The obverse head=
    has the same general appearance as Wood 34 & Wood 35 with the infamous ret=
    rograde date reading 1471 which was doubtless intended for 1741. The Willia=
    m Anton Collection houses this variety as well as the Bank of Canada Money =
    Museum via W. Baker?. With this type of retrograde date it appears to be Br=
    itish than Canadian but this has changed from my C4 Paper. Purchased actual=
    ly from Cobwright in England for $600. An incredible coin and I have only t=
    raced two of this AK-Plated coin. As with most Blackmsiths of Wood 34-46 of=
    a "BASTARD" type composition with this example composed of (12) different =
    metals and appears to be a low tin (4.55%) bronze (Cu/Sn) cast (Pb: 8.88 & =
    > >=20
    > > 2. George II Counterfeit 1/2d's. Most contain high bismuth relecting Co=
    rnish Copper. At the time (1730-1750'ish) the Cornish Copper mines were dom=
    inant with the Swansea Copper mines coming around in the 1780/1790's. The a=
    nalysis confirmed this copper source for all types analyzed being Cornwall.
    > >=20
    > > 3. Ryder 40: Confirmed as struck with 18thC copper. Jeff Rock melting d=
    ilemma? - hopefully we plan to do SEM/EDS comparions on these (5) coins: Ry=
    der 40, a 1770 Cobwright pouch example, Vermont Ryder 5 Cast, Ryder 25 and =
    a V.13-88CT Machin Mills piece. See what happens. Microstructure (surface m=
    agnification), inorganic metal and organic profiles.
    > >=20
    > > 4. GIII CC's - nothing special - same old 97-98% copper. Few impurities=
    unlike American 18thC State Coppers.
    > >=20
    > > 5. Ryder 5 - The lead value is of this coin was 1.42%. It does require =
    more analysis. Cast bronze lead specimens have lead values which are very v=
    > >=20
    > > Hopefully some INTIAL signatures can be retrieved from this group when =
    comparing Machins to English imports and seeing if Ryder 40 is a melt down =
    job. On this point I think Jeff's arguments will remain unchallenged as the=
    re are no references or data groups to confirm or deny this point. We can o=
    nly compare Ryder 40 to these (4) other pieces and discuss the findings - C=
    > >=20
    > > In all (25) coins were analyzed including a 1773 GIII Baby Face.
    > >=20
    > > Byron - its not dead ... unfortunately we have not even scratched the s=
    urface ...
    > >=20
    > > JPL
    > >

Source URL Date published
  • 2012-08-07
  • 1


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