Wood 36 Backfire Pubblico Deposited


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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Wed Aug 22 10:33:07 2012
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    From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
    Subject: Re: Wood 36 Backfire
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    Fair enough ... alot has to do also with "COIN IN HAND." Ironically, Bill h=
    as no plans to sell the coin anytime soon - but IF a Ryder 40 comes up for =
    auction or when it sells privately (this specimen or the others) ... they w=
    ill have this information to agree with or discredit based on their own obs=
    ervations. There are alot of pieces in my own mind that the true origins ar=
    e questionable or still remain unknown - RI Ship Token, Elephant Tokens, Pr=
    e-1717 Rosa Americana Patterns, Ryder 5 Casts, Canadian Blackmsith Woods 35=
    -46, Stand-Alone non-linked Machin Mills varieities, etc. ...=20

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron" <bkw11@...> wrote:
    > I'll believe it when I read it, John, but I'd also expect Bill not to bac=
    k down on some his other outlandish claims - RR40, for example - and he wil=
    l use your XRF testing as his justification, even if it doesn't have any re=
    al relevance.
    > I think I can be a little more objective about it than you, as I don't re=
    ally owe Bill anything. Which also means that I probably know him better th=
    an you do.
    > Byron
    > --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@> wrote:
    > >
    > > Jeff - Not everything is pro-Anton for this book. The Wood 36 has been =
    confirmed as a CAST. A bronze cast with Sn=3D5% and Pb=3D15%. This is the f=
    irst reported cast Wood Blacksmith variety. What does this do to its credib=
    ility? It will take years to delist W33 to an Evasion status ... what of th=
    is discovery and its impact to its delisting or current status? Currently t=
    he Anton piece is the finest of three known (Anton, ANS, Bank of Canada, ma=
    ybe a fourth?). Not sure of its AK # but you know the piece as well as I do=
    ... he did seem very depressed about it ... who would not be? This seems =
    to be nothing more than a crude retrograde British imported cast from the G=
    II period? (1741?).
    > >=20
    > > The TRUTH Byron ... <BG>.
    > >=20
    > > Here is an excerpt from my C4 article for W36:=20
    > >=20
    > >=20
    > > Wood 36: The obverse head as the same general appearance as Wood 34 & W=
    ood 35 with the infamous retrograde date reading 1471 which was doubtless i=
    ntended for 1741. The William Anton Collection houses this variety as well =
    as the Bank of Canada Money Museum. With this type of retrograde date it ap=
    pears to be British than Canadian.
    > >

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2012-08-22
  • 1

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