Wnuck Collection Pubblico Deposited
Stacks C4 Kleeberg Two Reales
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Wed Oct 24 06:38:52 2012
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From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: Stacks C4 Kleeberg Two Reales: Wnuck Collection
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Kleeberg Two Reales: Wnuck Collection
A couple of points:
1. First and foremost another incredible catalouging job by Stacks!
2. Any collector needing the digital version of the CNL so you can ZOOM IN =
to the Plate Coins just E-Mail me privately.
3. I have submitted another Kleeberg CC2R update to Oliver which should be =
in the next CNL. All the coins which are Kleeberg/Lorenzo-unlisted in this =
sale I will review and post the Kleeberg varieities here before the auction=
with lot #s and Kleeberg numbers.
4. If the coin has no date it will remain without a Kleeberg designation at=
this point rather than giving it something like a KXX-M (mintmark)1 design=
5. Finally - a great collection Dave - congratulations on forming such a di=
verse holding of this series.
Good Luck!
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@...> wrote:
> Thanks Bruce,
> Here's a direct link to the catalog:
> http://stacksbowers.com/auctions/AuctionLots.aspx?AuctionID=3D144&Session=
> Ray
> From: Bruce Smith=20
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:53 PM
> To: colonial-coins=20
> Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Stack's catalog
> The Stack's catalog is online, but no photos yet.=20
> Bruce
> - 2012-10-24
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