[Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ Pubblico Deposited


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  • From johnwlouis@comcast.net Mon Oct 29 13:06:05 2012
    Return-Path: <johnwlouis@comcast.net>
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    From: "John Louis" <johnwlouis@comcast.net>
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ
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    That's funny you mention WaWa because my wife works for WaWa! She is the on=
    e preparing coffee and breakfast sandwiches to all those "essential" person=
    nel !! She went in this morning at 6AM and is home now. But she'll be back =
    out the door tomorrow. WaWa never closes!

    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Don H=20
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:26 PM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ


    Ray, I suspect since landfall now is less than 3 hours away since the sto=
    rm has sped up, that power here will be lost between now and then, think I =
    saw that over 95000 without power in the area, so I know we are doomed.=20

    Only my youngest son the Cop is out working right now, he says WAWA emplo=
    yees should be considered "essential personnel" in order to keep the coffee=
    and donuts available to him. ::>)

    Winds now are steadily getting worst, only one big dead branch down so fa=
    r, I just got soaking wet getting my Emerg Generator setup, I had to rig up=
    an old patio table and use that with cardboard, tarp and duct tape to make=
    the Emerg Gen rain resistant, not supposed to run in rain if you allos the=
    plug outlet area exposed, so hopefully my setup will work, it is out in th=
    e elements now, so hopefully it survives staying dry for when I need to go =
    out and start up the thing


    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Ray Williams=20
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:12 PM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ


    And the eye hasn't hit us yet. So far so good here in Trenton. Ob=
    viously you still have power - that's a good thing. As long as you have po=
    wer, you can read coin publications.

    From: Don H=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 2:58 PM
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups..com=20
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ

    Dang, this looks as bad as earthquake damage, look, the Black Horse Pik=
    e leading to ACY has collapsed a few feet, for those that do not know,it is=
    a major artery, one of 3 leading into Atlantic City. My Oregon Scientific=
    rain guage is reading 3.86 inches and clmbing, so is the wind. :(
    http://www.nbc40.net/ Some good photos of the flooding/damage on A=
    CY's local TV 40 station.


    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Ray Williams=20
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 2:02 PM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ


    I certainly have found NJ Coppers in NJ with a metal detector and=
    I would assume that hundreds of others have been found too. My first foun=
    d NJ Copper was dug in my parent's back yard! (Cedar Grove, NJ) Don Hartma=
    n is keeping the list of "dug NJs" and I think he has obtained information =
    on about 400 of them. I look forward to him writing it up. If you don't l=
    ive at the beach or in a flood area, NJ is actually a safe place to have yo=
    ur colonial coins. In the Midwest, coins could get blown away by tornadoes=
    . On the West coast, your coins could slide into the ocean if you live wes=
    t of the San Andreas Fault Line. In the Pacific North West, your coins cou=
    ld be buried under feet of lava... NJ is about as safe as anywhere I guess=
    . LOL!

    From: buellish@yahoo.com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 1:38 PM
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups..com=20
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ

    With this storm heading in, it makes one wonder why anyone would live=
    in New Jersey. Oh yeah, almost forgot, New Jersey coppers...for the findi=
    ng, right in your backyards! Why don't I live there?=20

    Stay high and dry everybody!

    From: Don H <slospokes2@comcast.net>
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups..com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 5:50 AM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ


    I have not heard any new reports for our local condiitions in town, n=
    or whether my son and Daughter in law got to go home after the shifts last =
    night (one a cop and one a EMT/Paramedic) Talk about elevation, I believe =
    my property is 22 -26 feet and we are 18 air miles from the ocean, about 1.=
    5 miles from the Great Egg Harbor River. Our dam in town (Lake Lenape) is 1=
    50 years old and contractors have been working on it for about a year, not =
    complete yet, so I hope it holds! It would wipe out two bridges if it went =
    and cut our town into two, with those bridges being the only East to West r=
    outes within 6-20 miles depending which area you want to go to. Sure hope =
    they drained the lake prior, they usually do and it still floods our town..=
    . I am safe from flooding, we had 13 inches of rain in 24 hours back in Aug=
    1997. I have a stream and pond bordering my property, but my house sits up=
    on a rise from there and no problem. That storm wiped out about half dozen=
    bridges in or immediate area......

    I know Mike Demling lives much closer to the coast than I do, my Aunt=
    lives near him, so I hope his community fairs well! I cannot think of an=
    y other C4 members in this immediate area.

    This is round two for Southern New Jersey, we got wiped out pretty ba=
    d on June 30th from a Derecho Storm, tens of thousand of trees downed and s=
    napped, no power here for 4 days, some places over a week in the heat, temp=
    s near 100* and I spent a week doing cleanup on the property.=20=20=20=20=20



    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: palmers4@rcn.com=20
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 12:14 AM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ

    Don, This doesn't sound good. Isn't there supposed to be a full moo=
    That with the resultant high tides and a storm surge could be devas=
    to your area. Please stay safe. That goes for all of you in New Jer=
    also get a little dicey on Long Island, but remains to be seen, as =
    don't have much in the way of "high ground". Highest point on the 1=
    10 mile
    island is 462 feet! Don't think we can fit all 3 million + people o=
    n that
    point<S> David

    Original Message:
    From: Don H slospokes2@comcast.net
    Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 14:16:55 -0400
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ


    I think that would be called "seeding the property" for a neat meta=
    hunt in the future!! :>)

    Here in Mays Landing NJ, my son (a Policeman) just stopped by and s=
    aid that=20
    already the water in town is over the banks onto some lawns, the wa=
    ter I am=20
    talking about is the Great Egg Harbor River which is tidal all the =
    way up
    Mays Landing, about 18 miles inland from Ocean City, so it is alrea=
    dy as
    high as=20
    I have ever heard of in a long time, and the storm is still hundred=
    s of
    away but the tides are going whacky earlier than I thought they wou=
    ld. He
    on the road that goes along side the river and it should be under w=
    at spots, highly unusual......... Just breezy with light rain here =

    I see now that most of the spaghetti tracks are now just about over=
    head or
    south of here, the worst case for our local area.=20


    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Jeff Rock=20
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:50 PM
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ

    Roger, I'm concerned that your coins could get loose and turn into
    projectiles. You should really consider sending them out here for
    Especially those varieties that I need!

    On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 6:14 AM, Roger Moore <rogermoore435@yahoo.c=

    Thanks Ray. All porch furniture is stowed and pantry is full. Gas=20
    fireplace ready to go and a crank operated radio at the ready. Guns
    available to help looters into the next world!! Roger

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Oct 28, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>

    Hi Guys!
    I guess if any of you have seen the weather maps on TV, you'll be=20
    aware that hurricane Sandy is travelling up the Atlantic Coast and =
    to pound into NJ very soon. I think I'm prepared - if we loose
    it's not cold, so we won't need the heat. I have a gas stove I can =
    a match, so the flow of coffee will not be interrupted. The yard ha=
    s no
    items that could become projectiles. We have a battery operated rad=
    phones fully charged, and we have candles... I can read coin books =
    did in the 1800s - by candlelight! I hope all of my friends in this=
    the colonies will be cautious and stay safe.=20
    Could you imagine being in a sailing vessel in the 1600s & 1700s
    being caught in a hurricane? Those poor sailors on the ships that w=
    part of=20
    the 1715 fleet, the Atocha.. Sometimes we really take it for grante=
    d how
    we have it compared to what the colonists had to endure.

    SZtay safe all,

    mail2web LIVE =E2=80=93 Free email based on Microsoft=C2=AE Exchang=
    e technology -

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    <META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8" http-equiv=3DContent-Type>
    <META name=3DGENERATOR content=3D"MSHTML 8.00.6001.19328"></HEAD>
    <BODY style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>That's funny you mention WaWa because my w=
    ife works=20
    for WaWa! She is the one preparing coffee and breakfast sandwiches to all t=
    "essential" personnel !! She went in this morning at 6AM and is home now. B=
    she'll be back out the door tomorrow. WaWa never closes!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>jwl</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: =
    0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
    style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial; BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black"><B>Fro=
    <A title=3Dslospokes2@comcast.net href=3D"mailto:slospokes2@comcast.net">=
    Don H</A>=20
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, October 29, 2012 3:2=
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Colonial Numismatics=
    ] Windy=20
    in NJ</DIV>
    <DIV><BR></DIV><SPAN style=3D"DISPLAY: none"> </SPAN>=20
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-text>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Ray, I suspect since landfall now is les=
    s than 3=20
    hours away since the storm has sped up, that power here will be lost betw=
    now and then, think I saw that over 95000 without power in the area, so I=
    we are doomed. </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Only my youngest son the Cop is out work=
    ing right=20
    now, he says WAWA employees should be considered "essential personnel" in=
    order to keep the coffee and donuts available to him. ::>)</FONT></DIV=
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Winds now are steadily getting worst, on=
    ly one=20
    big dead branch down so far, I just got soaking wet getting my Emerg Gene=
    setup, I had to rig up an old patio table and use that with cardboard, ta=
    and duct tape to make the Emerg Gen rain resistant, not supposed to run i=
    rain if you allos the plug outlet area exposed, so hopefully my setup wil=
    work, it is out in the elements now, so hopefully it survives staying dry=
    when I need to go out and start up the thing</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Don</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <BLOCKQUOTE style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid">
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial; BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4"><B>From:</B> <A=20
    title=3Dnjraywms@optonline.net href=3D"mailto:njraywms@optonline.net">R=
    Williams</A> </DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, October 29, 2012 3=
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Colonial Numismati=
    Windy in NJ</DIV>
    <DIV><BR></DIV><SPAN> </SPAN>=20
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-text>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Don,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>And the eye ha=
    sn't hit=20
    us yet.  So far so good here in Trenton.  Obviously you still=
    power - that's a good thing.  As long as you have power, you can r=
    coin publications.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Ray</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Tahoma">
    <DIV style=3D"BACKGROUND: #f5f5f5">
    <DIV><B>From:</B> <A title=3Dslospokes2@comcastnet=20
    href=3D"mailto:slospokes2@comcast.net">Don H</A> </DIV>
    <DIV><B>Sent:</B> Monday, October 29, 2012 2:58 PM</DIV>
    <DIV><B>To:</B> <A title=3Dcolonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=20
    <DIV><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in=20
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Dang, this looks as bad as earthquake =
    look, the Black Horse Pike leading to ACY has collapsed a few feet, for=
    those that do not know,it is a major artery, one of 3 leading into Atla=
    City.  My Oregon Scientific rain guage is reading 3.86 inches and=
    clmbing, so is the wind. :(</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial><A=20
    href=3D"http://www.nbc40.net/">http://www.nbc40.net/</A>  &nb=
    sp;  =20
    Some good photos of the flooding/damage on ACY's local TV 40=20
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Don</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <BLOCKQUOTE style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid">
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial; BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4"><B>From:</B> <A=
    title=3Dnjraywms@optonline.net href=3D"mailto:njraywms@optonline.net"=
    Williams</A> </DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, October 29, 2012=
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Colonial Numisma=
    Windy in NJ</DIV>
    <DIV><BR></DIV><SPAN> </SPAN>=20
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-text>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Buell,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>I certainly =
    found NJ Coppers in NJ with a metal detector and I would assume that=
    hundreds of others have been found too.  My first found NJ Coppe=
    r was=20
    dug in my parent's back yard!  (Cedar Grove, NJ) Don Hartman is=
    keeping the list of "dug NJs" and I think he has obtained information=
    about 400 of them.  I look forward to him writing it up.  I=
    f you=20
    don't live at the beach or in a flood area, NJ is actually a safe pla=
    ce to=20
    have your colonial coins.  In the Midwest, coins could get blown=
    by tornadoes.  On the West coast, your coins could slide into th=
    ocean if you live west of the San Andreas Fault Line.  In the Pa=
    North West, your coins could be buried under feet of lava...  NJ=
    about as safe as anywhere I guess.  LOL!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>Ray</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Tahoma">
    <DIV style=3D"BACKGROUND: #f5f5f5">
    <DIV><B>From:</B> <A=20
    title=3D"mailto:buellish@yahoo.com CTRL + Click to follow link"=20
    href=3D"mailto:buellish@yahoo.com">buellish@yahoo.com</A> </DIV>
    <DIV><B>Sent:</B> Monday, October 29, 2012 1:38 PM</DIV>
    <DIV><B>To:</B> <A=20
    title=3D"mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com CTRL + Click to fo=
    llow link"=20
    <DIV><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in=20
    style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new yo=
    rk, times, serif; COLOR: #000; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">
    style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMI=
    LY: times new roman,new york,times,serif; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT-SIZE: 16p=
    this storm heading in, it makes one wonder why anyone would live in N=
    Jersey.  Oh yeah, almost forgot, New Jersey coppers...for the=20
    finding, right in your backyards!  Why don't I live there?=20
    style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMI=
    LY: times new roman,new york,times,serif; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT-SIZE: 16p=
    style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMI=
    LY: times new roman,new york,times,serif; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT-SIZE: 16p=
    high and dry everybody!</SPAN></DIV>
    style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMI=
    LY: times new roman,new york,times,serif; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT-SIZE: 16p=
    style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-S=
    IZE: 12pt">
    style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-S=
    IZE: 12pt">
    <DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>
    <HR SIZE=3D1>
    <B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></B> Don H <<A=20
    style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> <A=20
    <BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Monday, Oct=
    29, 2012 5:50 AM<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SP=
    Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Windy in NJ<BR></FONT></DIV><BR>
    <DIV id=3Dyiv1742582913>
    <DIV><SPAN> </SPAN>=20
    <DIV id=3Dyiv1742582913ygrp-text>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>David</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>I have not heard any new reports for=
    local condiitions in town, nor whether my son and Daughter in law got=
    go home after the shifts last night (one a cop and one a=20
    EMT/Paramedic)  Talk about elevation, I believe my property is 2=
    2 -26=20
    feet and we are 18 air miles from the ocean, about 1.5 miles from the=
    Great Egg Harbor River. Our dam in town (Lake Lenape) is 150 years ol=
    d and=20
    contractors have been working on it for about a year, not complete ye=
    t, so=20
    I hope it holds! It would wipe out two bridges if it went and cut our=
    into two, with those bridges being the only East to West routes withi=
    6-20 miles depending which area you want to go to.  Sure hope th=
    drained the lake prior, they usually do and it still floods our town.=
    .. I=20
    am safe from flooding, we had 13 inches of rain in 24 hours back in A=
    1997. I have a stream and pond bordering my property, but my house si=
    ts up=20
    on a rise from there and no problem. That storm wiped out about half =
    bridges in or immediate area......</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>I know Mike Demling lives much close=
    r to the=20
    coast than I do, my Aunt lives near him, so I hope his community=
    fairs well!  I  cannot think of any other C4 members in thi=
    immediate area.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>This is round two for Southern New J=
    ersey, we=20
    got wiped out pretty bad on June 30th from a Derecho Storm, tens of=20
    thousand of trees downed and snapped, no power here for 4 days, some=
    places over a week in the heat, temps near 100* and I spent a week do=
    cleanup on the property.     </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2 face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=
URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2012-10-29
  • 1

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