Wnuck Repeat - missing K Numbers in his Collection from current JPL research Público Deposited
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Sat Nov 03 14:27:11 2012
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Subject: Wnuck Repeat - missing K Numbers in his Collection from current JPL research
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Since most people have their paper catalogue's now here is a repeat of the =
missing Kleeberg varieites from my on-going research you can now write into=
the catalogues from my previous post:
Lot # 6896: K.18A-L20 (listed in CNL-145 but not entered into catalouge?)
Lot #6905: K.78D-NK11. With the missing mintmark missed in the CNL-145 pape=
r. It gets the next available obverse/reverse designation.
Lot#6933: K.97F-L2
Lot#6938: None. Open for further study and evaluation. Recommend sending to=
JPL for possible K designation.
Lot#6940 & 6941: K.04A-L31. Already corrected in the next CNL paper current=
ly with Oliver for publication.
Lot#6956: K.18C-NK12.
Lot#6962: No recommendation. To be studied at a later date for possible ent=
ry into this CC family.
From this collection only two new varieities have been entered. I will send=
Oliver again another CNL paper probably at the end of 2013/early 2014. The=
number of new varieites have SLOWED DOWN significantly and number at 76 va=
rieities at this time. Again missing dates and debased silver alloys (i.e.,=
billon alloy) do not qualify for this counterfeit family. - 2012-11-03
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