A Lampshade and Newburg, N.Y. Coppers Público Deposited
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Thu Dec 13 08:19:52 2012
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From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: A Lampshade and Newburg, N.Y. Coppers
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It's possible ...
This study is an excellent example of SEM/EDS to origin:
As you keep digging into the Machin Mills coppers there WILL be signature p=
rofiles as compared to the imported British coppers. Soon - I hope to open =
this door for the FIRST time. Basic XRF composition studies do show America=
n coppers to have more surficial organics such as P & S on the surface of t=
hese coppers than their British counterparts. There microstructure comparis=
ons have yet to be done with any serious cross-comparisons.
With various techniques this lampshade was confirmed to a certain productio=
n method in 1886 invented by Elihu Thompson.
The lack of aluminum, the lack of impurities ruling out an electric arc fur=
nace, the high P and S suggesting an acid open hearth process, etc (see Con=
clusion) ... this closed door simply needs to be OPENED. - 2012-12-13
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