Gilfoil Copper Público Deposited

- From Thu May 02 16:24:41 2013
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From: "colonialjohn" <>
Subject: Re: Gilfoil Copper
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So in simple terms Roger Moore - Gilfoil Coppers =3D Swedish Copper Mining =
Ore signature metal =3D as in mid-17thC/18thC French copper coins and 17thC=
Swedish copper ORE coins =3D High Ni =3D 0.25-0.75%. Very infrequently fou=
nd in English copper coins in the 18thC. - but occasionally. As indicated a=
lmost univerally found in 17thC Swedish copper Ore coins.
--- In, "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@...> wrote:
> Swedish ore pieces - I own over 20 AU/UNC pieces all with this level of n=
ickel sources from Swedish copper ore - French used this source in the mid =
18thC. for copper production. Very little ore mixing.
> --- In, "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry Byron - just ignore this post but its important Roger Moore - whe=
n we did the Baby Head analysis at EDAX-Mahwah and you can post the report =
if you wish --- G.T. did ask me if the results meant anything? - Looking at=
them they did not at the time of analysis - they did not read like an Evas=
ion or GII/III copper but nothing stuck out - but then I read the article .=
.. French & Indian War ... Scotland infantry ... left-over french copper G.=
T.??? French copper after analyzing Swedish copper on muliple French Ore pi=
eces and other 18thC copper specimens referenced in literature as Swedish s=
ourced pieces these have high nickel as a signature in almost all pieces. S=
ee the 1 Sol in the M56-n PW study. Yes the Ringo Rat 1777 piece also which=
also had a similar composition ... this does exhibit STRONG links to Frenc=
h copper ... VERY STRONG LINKS!
> >=20
> > But like sulfur in Rosa's causing surface lumps but not in high sulfur =
Conders or GIII CC's and no silver in the alloy (at all) in some pieces as =
per the Wood Patent ... its still tentative? ... but currently interesting =
> >=20
> > JPL
> >
> - 2013-05-02
- 1