A fun colonial side study Pubblico Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Fri May 24 07:32:42 2013
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    Subject: A fun colonial side study
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    Good morning guys!
    I just thought of taking a minute to share a side colonial interest
    of mine that I'm having fun with. Most of us have an area or two that
    we specialize in collecting. Others are type collectors. But our
    earliest colonial commerce was with the Native Americans. So I have
    added to my colonial collection a beaver pelt, a couple musket balls
    (traded at a farthing each), genuine wampum (not all Native American
    beads are wampum - they are very specific), Dutch beads meant for trade
    with Native Americans, tobacco, silver... At EAC I added four pieces of
    copper to my collection. Two were copper discs rolled into a tube and
    strung as beads. The other two were again copper discs rolled into
    cone-shaped beads, which were worn as hair decorations. The copper for
    these beads most likely followed native American trade routes from
    Indian copper mines in Michigan, which had been in operation for
    hundreds (thousands) of years before the arrival of the Europeans. To
    go along with these trade items, I just purchased some raw copper from
    where these mines are located. I even have some cocoa beans, which the
    Incas and Aztecs valued in trade more than money. I understand that
    cocoa was so valuable, that it was even "counterfeited"!!! A bean would
    be drilled out and filled with clay!

    Well, The coffee is done dripping, back to work. Y'all have a
    great day and a fun/safe holiday weekend!
    Does anyone else have some colonial collection that is not among the
    mainstream of our hobby?

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2013-05-24
  • 1

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Autore NNP