Salmon Book & MA Silver Público Deposited

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  • From Tue Sep 17 07:58:27 2013
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    Subject: Salmon Book & MA Silver
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    Hi Guys!
    I think it was in 2009 that i first heard about Chris Salmon having
    written a book about MA Silver, containing a new attribution system. I
    was a little shocked when I saw a prototype. I never heard of Chris
    Salmon and who was he to stray from the Noe attribution system??? I
    purchased the book and was impressed with the images and the content,
    but being a NJ Copper collector, it was not obvious to me why we needed
    a new attribution system.
    Then came the C4 Convention and our Educational Forum and Chris
    Salmon gave a power point presentation on the MA Silver coinages,
    explaining the complex and sometimes inaccurate Noe System, and gave us
    a new attribution system that really seemed to make sense. After the
    Educational Forum, talking with friends, I was not alone in my
    skepticism of a new attribution system, but all agreed it made sense.
    So, even if you only have a passing interest in MA Silver, I can
    highly recommend obtaining a copy of Salmon's The Silver Coins of
    Massachusetts from the ANS at:
    Thinking of the ANS, I ordered the Siboni/Howes/Ish NJ Copper ( ) book AND Phil Mossman's book on
    counterfeiting ( ). I know that
    keeping our libraries up to date can get a little expensive, so... With
    Christmas coming up, birthdays, anniversaries... how much easier can it
    be for family to get the perfect gift than to supply them with a web
    link to the page??? What anniversary give can possibly do a better job
    saying "I Love You" than a copy of the S/H/I NJ Copper book??? There is
    no better gift.

    Have FUN All,

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2013-09-17
  • 1


Autor NNP