A memorable collection Publique Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Thu Mar 13 15:34:57 2014
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    Subject: A memorable collection
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    Hi Guys,
    I was just thinking about a collection that I saw some years ago.
    I was asked by David Alexander to give a presentation to the New York
    Numismatic Club, to which I agreed. I talked about colonial coins. Had
    I known ahead of time that the membership were mostly die hard
    numismatists (unlike the usual coin club) I would have talked about a
    more specific topic in greater detail. But in any case, they always
    have a show n tell. One of their members brought in a tray of colonial
    coppers. Nothing rare and nothing high grade, BUT... These coins were
    passed down through his family from colonial times! Not a one of the
    coins was ever in the hands of a coin dealer. Now that's a family
    heirloom to pass from one generation to another! He had about 15
    coppers. The only die variety I remember was a 34-J NJ Copper. I wish
    I knew his name. I've asked around in the mean time and no one remembers
    who he was. Too bad.

    Has anyone else run across a colonial collection (accumulation) they
    found interesting?

URL source Date publiée
  • 2014-03-13
  • 1

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