C4N! My FIRST!!!!!! & CNL & P-W Publique Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Sun Apr 20 04:08:17 2014
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
    Subject: C4N! My FIRST!!!!!! & CNL & P-W
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    Club publications have evolved over the years. I see less of that
    "my favorite colonial" and "look what I found in a group lot" type of
    articles. I think the reason being is that in the early days of C4N,
    CNL & P-W, we didn't have the internet to ask questions, share finds and
    chat numismatically. Now we have almost instant gratification at our
    fingertips. I'd personally like to see some of the ask the editor type
    posts again. But in general, why wait a time for your question to get
    published, and then wait another three months (longer for P-W & CNL) for
    the next edition to see if someone replied? You can post the question
    So the types of articles have changed in colonial publications. You
    ask why have the publications when we have the internet? There are many
    C4 members that are not on chat groups. The C4N is the platform that
    binds our club membership together. With online indexes for C4N & CNL,
    you can easily find research that has been done. You can borrow issues
    from either publication from the C4 Library for the cost of postage.
    Penny Wise has an index at year's end for that year. I don't think that
    there is an index for the entire publication run. But especially before
    there was a C4, Penny Wise had awesome colonial articles too. They
    should not be forgotten!
    The format of the C4N is intentional. Having it in the 8 1/2 x 11
    single page format allows for pages to be easily copied. The current
    size is much more user friendly for plates than was the older 5 1/2 x 8
    1/2. The pages can be hole punched to keep them in binders. They store
    easily in manila folders in a file cabinet. If you look at the page
    margins, those that want to bind the issues into a book format can
    easily do so. A paper format allows you to make notes in the margins.
    C4N & P-W are staple bound. The only advantage I see to this is that it
    does make it easier to read while holding a coffee in the other hand.
    Not that the reader would be aware, but the editor of C4N needs to have
    the page count divisible by two while the C4N and P-W editors need their
    page counts divisible by four. Okay... If you've made it this far,
    then I'm boring you out of your mind probably. We don't think about
    these things - we just enjoy the publications. The volunteers behind
    the scenes discuss and decide things such as this, on behalf of the
    Editors - now there's a job that takes a lot of time and gets
    little public recognition. How much easier their jobs would be if they
    had a years worth of articles written and in reserve, rather than having
    to go begging for material as the publication deadline approaches? Syd
    Martin has done an outstanding job editing C4N for a decade or more!
    (More I think) If you see him at a C4 Convention, buy him a coffee and
    say thanks! This coming November, Oliver Hoover will be at the C4
    Convention. Oliver is the editor of CNL. I don't know if he drinks
    coffee (regular or decaf) but give him a pat on the back too.
    Gotta run
    Happy Easter to all that celebrate it,
    Happy B-Day to me ( I can now collect social security if I wish... LOL)

    On 4/19/2014 10:14 PM, Jeff Rock wrote:
    > Gary, as one of the four people who founded C4, I have to say that we
    > ALWAYS thought the group would last -- but I don't think any of us had
    > the idea that it would thrive as well as it did. When it started
    > Michael Hodder had the idea that it would be more of a social club and
    > that the journal would be more along the lines of "my favorite
    > colonial" and "look what I found in a group lot" type of articles,
    > since CNL was the repository for scholarly info -- but lacked the
    > social aspect. Luckily Hodder was wrong, and the journal --
    > especially under the editorship of Syd Martin -- has attracted some
    > first-rate articles, cutting edge research and the two publications
    > exist in harmony -- indeed, our editor is also the President of the
    > ANS, which publishes CNL! I am glad to see, though, that the social
    > aspect of the club has remained strong, and the yearly convention is,
    > I think, what keeps the hobby interesting for many of us!
    > Now that you had a taste of the journal, I would second what Ray said
    > -- buy the back issues on CD. And subscribe to CNL and get those back
    > issues as well. You will have a good year or more of back-reading to
    > get through, and you will love every minute of it!
    > Jeff
    > On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net
    > <mailto:njraywms@optonline.net>> wrote:
    > Gary,
    > There is a CD available for the back issues. There's probably
    > info on how to order in the C4N. Glad you're finally here. And I
    > look forward to seeing you write something too.
    > Ray
    > On 4/19/2014 9:58 PM, Gry1564@aol.com <mailto:Gry1564@aol.com> wrote:
    >> Good Evening ALL!!!
    >> I received my FIRST C4N in the mail today! :-) And I'm SO
    >> looking forward to diving into it!!! But before I start, I just
    >> wanted to write to all of you here, how excited I am to begin
    >> this LONG over due "journey"!!! I've been an EAC member for many
    >> years, and I recall how terrific some of the articles relating to
    >> Colonials were when they were included in PW prior to the "birth"
    >> of C4. SOME of the best IMHO! I still have all the PW issues from
    >> it's founding, but I've missed so much in all these years.
    >> Frankly; at the time; I remember thinking C4 wouldn't last. That
    >> there wasn't enough interest in the field to support an entire
    >> new "group".
    >> Well, how wrong I was! It not only survived, but THRIVED!!!
    >> So I just wanted to share my excitement with all of you here,
    >> and hope that I can contribute even in a small way, or submit
    >> something for publication down the road! Now THAT would be neat;
    >> even to be considered!!!
    >> ALL of you here? Well; THANKS for getting me off my butt! :-)
    >> Not too late to start, so let me read a bit. DEFINITELY a "cover
    >> to cover" publication!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Best Wishes to ALL; in this Holiday season!!!
    >> gary
    >> In a message dated 4/19/2014 8:18:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
    >> njraywms@optonline.net <mailto:njraywms@optonline.net> writes:
    >> Corrected text from last post - should have reread before
    >> sending:
    >>> Bill,
    >>> For what year are you inquiring? Also, What volume are
    >>> you looking for an issue #3? Volume 1 of C4N had only two
    >>> issues, Volume 2 had four issues. I just double checked the
    >>> C4N index, sorted by Volume and Page number and this is what
    >>> I get. There are two years with only three issues... one
    >>> year due to the editor just getting out only three and the
    >>> other because of a change in issue/season nomenclature. If
    >>> you have a number 4 for the first year, PLMK
    >>> Ray
    >>> PS Randy Clark and I have the editable C4N index spread
    >>> sheets. I don't think you can go to the C4 website and data
    >>> sort the index without being able to change the PDF files to
    >>> something else.

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        Club publications have evolved over the years.  I see less of
    that "my favorite colonial" and "look what I found in a group lot"
    type of articles.  I think the reason being is that in the early
    days of C4N, CNL & P-W, we didn't have the internet to ask
    questions, share finds and chat numismatically.  Now we have almost
    instant gratification at our fingertips.  I'd personally like to see
    some of the ask the editor type posts again.  But in general, why
    wait a time for your question to get published, and then wait
    another three months (longer for P-W & CNL) for the next edition
    to see if someone replied?  You can post the question here...  <br>
        So the types of articles have changed in colonial publications. 
    You ask why have the publications when we have the internet?  There
    are many C4 members that are not on chat groups.  The C4N is the
    platform that binds our club membership together.  With online
    indexes for C4N & CNL, you can easily find research that has
    been done.  You can borrow issues from either publication from the
    C4 Library for the cost of postage.  Penny Wise has an index at
    year's end for that year.  I don't think that there is an index for
    the entire publication run.  But especially before there was a C4,
    Penny Wise had awesome colonial articles too.  They should not be
        The format of the C4N is intentional.  Having it in the 8 1/2 x
    11 single page format allows for pages to be easily copied.  The
    current size is much more user friendly for plates than was the
    older 5 1/2 x 8 1/2.  The pages can be hole punched to keep them in
    binders.  They store easily in manila folders in a file cabinet.  If
    you look at the page margins, those that want to bind the issues
    into a book format can easily do so.  A paper format allows you to
    make notes in the margins.  C4N & P-W are staple bound.  The
    only advantage I see to this is that it does make it easier to read
    while holding a coffee in the other hand.  Not that the reader would
    be aware, but the editor of C4N needs to have the page count
    divisible by two while the C4N and P-W editors need their page
    counts divisible by four.  Okay...  If you've made it this far, then
    I'm boring you out of your mind probably.  We don't think about
    these things - we just enjoy the publications.  The volunteers
    behind the scenes discuss and decide things such as this, on behalf
    of the membership.  <br>
        Editors - now there's a job that takes a lot of time and gets
    little public recognition.  How much easier their jobs would be if
    they had a years worth of articles written and in reserve, rather
    than having to go begging for material as the publication deadline
    approaches?  Syd Martin has done an outstanding job editing C4N for
    a decade or more!  (More I think)  If you see him at a C4
    Convention, buy him a coffee and say thanks!  This coming November,
    Oliver Hoover will be at the C4 Convention.  Oliver is the editor of
    CNL.  I don't know if he drinks coffee (regular or decaf) but give
    him a pat on the back too.  <br>
    Gotta run<br>
    Happy Easter to all that celebrate it,<br>
    Happy B-Day to me ( I can now collect social security if I wish...
    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 4/19/2014 10:14 PM, Jeff Rock wrote:<br>
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    <div dir="ltr">
    <div>Gary, as one of the four people who founded C4, I have to
    say that we ALWAYS thought the group would last -- but I don't
    think any of us had the idea that it would thrive as well as
    it did.  When it started Michael Hodder had the idea that it
    would be more of a social club and that the journal would be
    more along the lines of "my favorite colonial" and "look what
    I found in a group lot" type of articles, since CNL was the
    repository for scholarly info -- but lacked the social
    aspect.  Luckily Hodder was wrong, and the journal --
    especially under the editorship of Syd Martin -- has attracted
    some first-rate articles, cutting edge research and the two
    publications exist in harmony -- indeed, our editor is also
    the President of the ANS, which publishes CNL!  I am glad to
    see, though, that the social aspect of the club has remained
    strong, and the yearly convention is, I think, what keeps the
    hobby interesting for many of us!</div>
    <div>Now that you had a taste of the journal, I would second
    what Ray said -- buy the back issues on CD.  And subscribe to
    CNL and get those back issues as well.  You will have a good
    year or more of back-reading to get through, and you will love
    every minute of it!<br>
    <div class="gmail_extra"><br>
    <div class="gmail_quote">On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Ray
    Williams <span dir="ltr"><<a moz-do-not-send="true"
    href="mailto:njraywms@optonline.net" target="_blank">njraywms@optonline.net</a>></span>
    <blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
    .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
    <span> </span>
    <p> Gary,<br>
        There is a CD available for the back issues. 
    There's probably info on how to order in the C4N. 
    Glad you're finally here.  And I look forward to
    seeing you write something too.<br>
    <div class="h5"><br>
    <div>On 4/19/2014 9:58 PM, <a
    target="_blank">Gry1564@aol.com</a> wrote:<br>
    <blockquote type="cite"> <font color="#000000"
    face="Arial" size="3">
    <div><font>Good Evening ALL!!!</font></div>
    <div><font>   I received my FIRST C4N in the
    mail today! :-)  And I'm SO looking
    forward to diving into it!!! But before
    I start, I just wanted to write to all
    of you here, how excited I am to begin
    this LONG over due "journey"!!! I've
    been an EAC member for many years, and I
    recall how terrific some of the
    articles relating to Colonials were when
    they were included in PW prior to the
    "birth" of C4. SOME of the best IMHO! I
    still have all the PW issues from it's
    founding, but I've missed so much in all
    these years. Frankly; at the time; I
    remember thinking C4 wouldn't last. That
    there wasn't enough interest in the
    field to support an entire new "group".</font></div>
    <div><font>Well, how wrong I was! It not
    only survived, but THRIVED!!! </font></div>
    <div><font>    So I just wanted to share my
    excitement with all of you here, and
    hope that I can contribute even in a
    small way, or submit something for
    publication down the road!</font> <font>Now
    THAT would be neat; even to be
    <div><font>    ALL of you here? Well; THANKS
    for getting me off my butt!  :-)  </font></div>
    <div> </div>
    <div><font>Not too late to start, so let me
    read a bit. DEFINITELY a "cover to
    cover" publication!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></div>
    <div> </div>
    <div><font>    Best Wishes to ALL; in this
    Holiday season!!!</font></div>
    <div><font>          gary</font></div>
    <div> </div>
    <div> </div>
    <div>In a message dated 4/19/2014 8:18:28
    A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, <a
    color="#000000" face="Arial"><span> </span>
    <p>Corrected text from last post -
    should have reread before sending:<br>
    <blockquote type="cite">Bill,<br>
        For what year are you
    inquiring?  Also, What volume are
    you looking for an issue #3?
    Volume 1 of C4N had only two
    issues, Volume 2 had four issues. 
    I just double checked the C4N
    index, sorted by Volume and Page
    number and this is what I get. 
    There are two years with only
    three issues...  one year due to
    the editor just getting out only
    three and the other because of a
    change in issue/season
    nomenclature.  If you have a
    number 4 for the first year, PLMK<br>
    PS  Randy Clark and I have the
    editable C4N index spread sheets. 
    I don't think you can go to the C4
    website and data sort the index
    without being able to change the
    PDF files to something else.<br>
    </font> </blockquote>

    <div width="1" style="color: white; clear: both;"></div>

URL source Date publiée
  • 2014-04-20
  • 1

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