Happy Veteran's Day! Pubblico Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Tue Nov 11 06:21:44 2014
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>

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    Hi Guys,
    I want to just take a moment before the day starts to thank all of
    you who served our country (and I'd like to include the Canadians on
    this group too). Whether active or reserve... air, land or sea...
    peacetime or war...
    *THANK YOU!*
    The topic doesn't come up often in numismatic discussions, but I
    know there are several C4 guys that served and probably _many more_ that
    I'm not aware of. Read John Griffee's bio in the front of the 1995 C4
    Auction catalog - he was awarded two purple hearts - one in Italy and
    the second in France in WWII - you would never know.
    Regardless of your political feelings, I think we can all agree
    unanimously that we appreciate the sacrifice of our veterans.

    At several previous C4 Conventions that coincided with Veteran's
    Day, I had asked the former military to please stand at our events.
    Being that the Convention didn't coincide this year, I'd like to ask the
    vets here to please stand by stating the branch & years of service. It
    doesn't matter if you were in combat in Viet Nam or bored out of your
    mind for two years - the fact that you were a member of the military is
    what today is about. So that no one is too shy to start, I'll start and
    _I hope others will proudly follow_...

    Ray Williams New Jersey Army National Guard 1972 - 1978

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    Hi Guys,<br>
        I want to just take a moment before the day starts to thank all
    of you who served our country (and I'd like to include the Canadians
    on this group too).  Whether active or reserve...  air, land or
    sea...  peacetime or war...  <br>
    <b><big><big>THANK YOU!</big></big></b><br>
        The topic doesn't come up often in numismatic discussions, but I
    know there are several C4 guys that served and probably <u>many
    more</u> that I'm not aware of.  Read John Griffee's bio in the
    front of the 1995 C4 Auction catalog - he was awarded two purple
    hearts - one in Italy and the second in France in WWII - you would
    never know.<br>
        Regardless of your political feelings, I think we can all agree
    unanimously that we appreciate the sacrifice of our veterans.<br>
        At several previous C4 Conventions that coincided with Veteran's
    Day, I had asked the former military to please stand at our events. 
    Being that the Convention didn't coincide this year, I'd like to ask
    the vets here to please stand by stating the branch & years of
    service.  It doesn't matter if you were in combat in Viet Nam or
    bored out of your mind for two years - the fact that you were a
    member of the military is what today is about.  So that no one is
    too shy to start, I'll start and <u>I hope others will proudly
    Ray Williams    New Jersey Army National Guard    1972 - 1978<br>

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2014-11-11
  • 1

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Autore NNP