C4N & CNL Research Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From njraywms@optonline.net Fri Feb 27 08:02:39 2015
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Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:02:36 -0500
To: Colonialcoins <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com>,
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Subject: C4N & CNL Research
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From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
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Hi Guys!
For those unaware, both C4N and CNL maintain up to date indexes
(indices?) for the respective publications:
*CNL* Go to: http://www.numismatics.org/CNL/CNL
Subscription info is available on this page
at the bottom are a couple of links for sample articles
at the bottom is a link to an up-to-date cumulative index
*C4N* Go to: http://colonialcoins.org/
About half way down the page are index links
one index is by Author
the second index is by Title/Topic
Okay... This weekend I challenge you all to take some of your
favorite areas of colonial collecting and search through these indexes
and see what articles have been published that you would find most
interesting. Then if you don't have the particular paper copies (or
CDs) of the issues of interest, contact your C4 Librarian to borrow them
from the C4 Library. Borrowing instructions are at:
http://colonialcoins.org/library_page.htm The lending library is
available to C4 & EAC members. What better way to spend some cold
evenings than to enjoy your hobby in this manner.
Oliver and past editors of CNL have gone through a lot of work to
maintain an up to date index, as have C4 members for the C4N indexes.
If you have any comments/corrections/suggestions about the indexes,
contact Oliver Hoover for CNL and me for C4N. These indexes are a work
in progress and updated shortly after each paper copy is issued. The
C4N indexes do need some more work to become more detailed, especially
for the first several volumes. I look forward to having the time to do so.
Have fun this weekend. Please post any comments about the usefullness
of these indexes.
PS... Is there any advantage for combining the two C4N indexes into one
large index?
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Hi Guys!<br>
For those unaware, both C4N and CNL maintain up to date indexes
(indices?) for the respective publications:<br>
<b>CNL</b> Go to: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.numismatics.org/CNL/CNL">http://www.numismatics.org/CNL/CNL</a><br>
Subscription info is available on this page<br>
at the bottom are a couple of links for sample articles<br>
at the bottom is a link to an up-to-date cumulative
<b>C4N</b> Go to: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://colonialcoins.org/">http://colonialcoins.org/</a><br>
About half way down the page are index links<br>
one index is by Author<br>
the second index is by Title/Topic<br>
Okay... This weekend I challenge you all to take some of your
favorite areas of colonial collecting and search through these
indexes and see what articles have been published that you would
find most interesting. Then if you don't have the particular paper
copies (or CDs) of the issues of interest, contact your C4 Librarian
to borrow them from the C4 Library. Borrowing instructions are at:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://colonialcoins.org/library_page.htm">http://colonialcoins.org/library_page.htm</a> The lending library is
available to C4 & EAC members. What better way to spend some
cold evenings than to enjoy your hobby in this manner. <br>
Oliver and past editors of CNL have gone through a lot of work to
maintain an up to date index, as have C4 members for the C4N
indexes. If you have any comments/corrections/suggestions about the
indexes, contact Oliver Hoover for CNL and me for C4N. These
indexes are a work in progress and updated shortly after each paper
copy is issued. The C4N indexes do need some more work to become
more detailed, especially for the first several volumes. I look
forward to having the time to do so.<br>
Have fun this weekend. Please post any comments about the
usefullness of these indexes.<br>
PS... Is there any advantage for combining the two C4N indexes into
one large index?<br>
--Boundary_(ID_rmNMVw8GvuJcc/NPSs7sNw)-- - 2015-02-27
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