[Colonial Numismatics] The Kendall sale is online at the Público Deposited


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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Wed Mar 04 15:47:29 2015
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] The Kendall sale is online at the
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>

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    Quite a collection of MA Silver - enough for everyone! And some pretty
    rare type coins. I only read the lot descriptions of a few lots, and
    the cataloger seems to have done an excellent job. I look forward to
    delving into the catalog.

    On 3/4/2015 5:26 PM, Michael Packard mpackard3@mac.com [colonial-coins]
    > Nice Mass silver, 1792 patterns, and an opportunity for several
    > Sommers Island pieces. Relatively weak in other areas (but with some
    > nice keepers scattered throughout).
    > Enjoy!
    > Mike P

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    Quite a collection of MA Silver - enough for everyone!� And some
    pretty rare type coins.� I only read the lot descriptions of a few
    lots, and the cataloger seems to have done an excellent job.� I look
    forward to delving into the catalog.<br>
    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 3/4/2015 5:26 PM, Michael Packard
    <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:mpackard3@mac.com">mpackard3@mac.com</a> [colonial-coins] wrote:<br>
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    <div>Nice Mass silver, 1792 patterns, and an opportunity for
    several Sommers Island pieces. �Relatively weak in other areas
    (but with some nice keepers scattered throughout).</div>
    <div>Mike P</div>

    <div width="1" style="color: white; clear: both;"></div>

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2015-03-04
  • 1


Autor NNP