[Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence Pubblico Deposited


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  • From gnichols@cogeco.ca Sun Jul 12 10:59:52 2015
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence
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    From: Gord Nichols <gnichols@cogeco.ca>

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    Hi Rick
    I would like to buy one. Great stuff! I have sent you a private email.
    Gord Nichols

    > On Jul 12, 2015, at 7:58 AM, rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com [colonial-coins=
    ] <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
    > HI Paul, thanks for the positive words =F0=9F=98=8A New York dealers Andy=
    Lustig and Robert Johnston have taken boxes of 50 so can supply, or I can =
    post direct, I need address please. Send payment once it arrives, I don't k=
    now postage costs yet! Best wishes Rick=20
    > ------------------------------
    > On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 2:53 AM BST Paul Cartmill cartmill_paul@yahoo.com <m=
    ailto:cartmill_paul@yahoo.com> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    > >Rick this sounds like a book a few of us onliners would be interested in=
    > >=20
    > > From: "rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com <mailto:r99cc@yahoo.com> [colonial-=
    coins]" <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com <mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.=
    > > To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com <mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.c=
    > > Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2015 3:56 PM
    > > Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence
    > >=20=20
    > >=20=20=20
    > >
    > >Hi Roger, great idea, I'll try to make it =F0=9F=98=8A! I wonder if we c=
    ombined the cfts with update on evasions we'd have more attendance? I've ju=
    st finished stalling out at the summer FUN show were I sold out the 150 cop=
    ies of newly printed book COUNTERFEIT GEORGIAN COPPER COINS so hopefully we=
    'd get more than 25 attending =F0=9F=98=8A Regards Rick=20
    > >
    > >------------------------------
    > >On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 11:43 PM BST rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com <mailto:r=
    99cc@yahoo.com> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    > >
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>------------------------------
    > >>On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 8:59 PM BST rogermoore435@yahoo.com <mailto:rogerm=
    oore435@yahoo.com> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    > >>
    > >>Ray, my guess is the actual participants and additional people would be=
    only 25 or so but I agree we need to get a commitment. But to get a commit=
    ment we need to know the time that is open since some will be tied up at th=
    e bourse or not be able to attend at that time. Sort of a catch 22. In any =
    case if my suggest goes over like a lead ballon, we need go no further. Rog=
    > >>
    > >>Sent from my iPhone
    > >>
    > >> On Jul 11, 2015, at 3:43 PM, Ray Williams njraywms@optonline.net <mail=
    to:njraywms@optonline.net> [colonial-coins] <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com=
    <mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:
    > >>=20
    > >> Hi Roger,
    > >> Let me try again... It sounds like a good idea. I don't know what=20
    > >> time lengths are available for the room. Lets see how many you get to=
    > >> commit to attend. I'm sure we'll be able to figure out any needed A/V.=
    > >> Post also to contemporary cfts too. Jeff Lipsky has been working hard=
    > >> on educational events and already has a schedule of speakers. So when=
    > >> you have numbers and know what you'd like to accomplish, we can work o=
    > >> how to do it. But don't dawdle.
    > >> Ray
    > >>=20
    > >>=20
    > >> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 02:40 PM, rogermoore435@yahoo.com <mailto:roge=
    > >> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    > >>=20
    > >> > It sounds like people have an interest in getting together at C4 for=
    > >> a cft symposium. First in this process would be to get a time that we=
    > >> could meet. I was thinking three hours would be good, if we could get =
    > >> or 6 volunteers to give a Family update. Longer if a lot of people=20
    > >> wanted to speak about a Family. Before going any father in regard to=20
    > >> who will speak on what, we need the convention organizers to give us=20
    > >> time slots for a room that would be open for three hours and could=20
    > >> accommodate (20? 30? Less?) people. For those interested what are=20
    > >> your feelings about this? If talks are going to be given, some sort of=
    > >> screen and digital projector will be needed. Ray, are you involved=20
    > >> with this C4 meeting? If not, whom should we contact? Just thought=20
    > >> that if we were going to do this we need to get it organized early. We=
    > >> could also put together a booklet of plates for the Families we discus=
    > >> for sale by C4 to anyone else interested. Just a thought. Roger
    > >> >
    > >> > Sent from my iPhone
    > >> >
    > >> > ------------------------------------
    > >> > Posted by: rogermoore435@yahoo.com <mailto:rogermoore435@yahoo.com>
    > >> > ------------------------------------
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >> > ------------------------------------
    > >> >
    > >> > Yahoo Groups Links
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >>=20
    > >>
    > >
    > > #yiv4883710349 #yiv4883710349 -- #yiv4883710349ygrp-mkp {border:1px sol=
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    > >
    > >=20=20

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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    <html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html charset=
    =3Dutf-8"></head><body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: s=
    pace; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;" class=3D"">Hi Rick<div class=
    =3D"">I would like to buy one. Great stuff! I have sent you a private email=
    .</div><div class=3D"">Thanks </div><div class=3D"">Gord Nichols</div>=
    <div class=3D""><br class=3D""><div><blockquote type=3D"cite" class=3D""><d=
    iv class=3D"">On Jul 12, 2015, at 7:58 AM, rick coleman <a href=3D"mailto:r=
    99cc@yahoo.com" class=3D"">r99cc@yahoo.com</a> [colonial-coins] <<a href=
    =3D"mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com" class=3D"">colonial-coins@yahoog=
    roups.com</a>> wrote:</div><br class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><div =
    class=3D""><div id=3D"ygrp-mlmsg" style=3D"font-size: 13px; font-family: Ar=
    ial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal=
    ; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans=
    : auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-sp=
    ace: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0p=
    x; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative;" class=3D""><d=
    iv id=3D"ygrp-msg" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; z-index: 1;" class=3D""><d=
    iv id=3D"ygrp-text" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Georgia;" cl=
    ass=3D""><p style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; margin: 0px 0px 1em;" class=3D"">=
    <br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D""><br style=3D"line-height: 1.2=
    2em;" class=3D"">HI Paul, thanks for the positive words =F0=9F=98=8A New Yo=
    rk dealers Andy Lustig and Robert Johnston have taken boxes of 50 so can su=
    pply, or I can post direct, I need address please. Send payment once it arr=
    ives, I don't know postage costs yet! Best wishes Rick<span class=3D"Apple-=
    converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D""=
    ><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">----------------------------=
    --<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 2:53 A=
    M BST Paul Cartmill<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><a hr=
    ef=3D"mailto:cartmill_paul@yahoo.com" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-fa=
    mily: Verdana;" class=3D"">cartmill_paul@yahoo.com</a><span class=3D"Apple-=
    converted-space"> </span>[colonial-coins] wrote:<br style=3D"line-heig=
    ht: 1.22em;" class=3D""><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>R=
    ick this sounds like a book a few of us onliners would be interested i=
    n paul<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> <br style=3D"=
    line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> From: "rick coleman<span class=3D"App=
    le-converted-space"> </span><a href=3D"mailto:r99cc@yahoo.com" style=
    =3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">r99cc@yahoo.com<=
    /a><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span>[colonial-coins]" <=
    ;<a href=3D"mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com" style=3D"line-height: 1.=
    22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com</a>&=
    gt;<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> To:<span class=3D"App=
    le-converted-space"> </span><a href=3D"mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogrou=
    ps.com" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">col=
    onial-coins@yahoogroups.com</a><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> =
    </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> Sent: Saturday, J=
    uly 11, 2015 3:56 PM<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> Subj=
    ect: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence<br style=3D"lin=
    e-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space">&nb=
    sp;</span><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"l=
    ine-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">> <span class=3D"Apple-converted-sp=
    ace"> </span><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br st=
    yle=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22e=
    m;" class=3D"">>Hi Roger, great idea, I'll try to make it =F0=9F=98=8A! =
    I wonder if we combined the cfts with update on evasions we'd have more att=
    endance? I've just finished stalling out at the summer FUN show were I sold=
    out the 150 copies of newly printed book COUNTERFEIT GEORGIAN COPPER COINS=
    so hopefully we'd get more than 25 attending =F0=9F=98=8A Regards Rick<spa=
    n class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.=
    22em;" class=3D"">><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>---=
    ---------------------------<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">&g=
    t;On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 11:43 PM BST rick coleman<span class=3D"Apple-conver=
    ted-space"> </span><a href=3D"mailto:r99cc@yahoo.com" style=3D"line-he=
    ight: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">r99cc@yahoo.com</a><span cl=
    ass=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span>[colonial-coins] wrote:<br style=
    =3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;"=
    class=3D"">>><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><=
    br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><br style=3D"line-heig=
    ht: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D=
    "">>><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>>----------=
    --------------------<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>>O=
    n Sat, Jul 11, 2015 8:59 PM BST<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> =
    </span><a href=3D"mailto:rogermoore435@yahoo.com" style=3D"line-height: 1.2=
    2em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">rogermoore435@yahoo.com</a><span cla=
    ss=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span>[colonial-coins] wrote:<br style=
    =3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22=
    em;" class=3D"">>>Ray, my guess is the actual participants and additi=
    onal people would be only 25 or so but I agree we need to get a commitment.=
    But to get a commitment we need to know the time that is open since some w=
    ill be tied up at the bourse or not be able to attend at that time. Sort of=
    a catch 22. In any case if my suggest goes over like a lead ballon, we nee=
    d go no further. Roger<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>>=
    ;<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>>Sent from my iPhone<=
    br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><br style=3D"line-heig=
    ht: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 3:43 PM, Ray Williams<=
    span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=3D"mailto:njraywm=
    s@optonline.net" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=
    =3D"">njraywms@optonline.net</a><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> =
    ;</span>[colonial-coins] <<a href=3D"mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.c=
    om" style=3D"line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">colonia=
    l-coins@yahoogroups.com</a>> wrote:<br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" cl=
    ass=3D"">>><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br sty=
    le=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> Hi Roger,<br style=3D"line-=
    height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> Let me try again... It sounds like a g=
    ood idea. I don't know what<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </sp=
    an><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> time lengths are =
    available for the room. Lets see how many you get to<span class=3D"Apple-co=
    nverted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">&=
    gt;> commit to attend. I'm sure we'll be able to figure out any needed A=
    /V.<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-hei=
    ght: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> Post also to contemporary cfts too. Jeff =
    Lipsky has been working hard<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </s=
    pan><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> on educational e=
    vents and already has a schedule of speakers. So when<span class=3D"Apple-c=
    onverted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">=
    >> you have numbers and know what you'd like to accomplish, we can wo=
    rk on<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-h=
    eight: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> how to do it. But don't dawdle.<br styl=
    e=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> Ray<br style=3D"line-height:=
    1.22em;" class=3D"">>><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </=
    span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><span class=3D"A=
    pple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=
    =3D"">>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 02:40 PM,<span class=3D"Apple-conver=
    ted-space"> </span><a href=3D"mailto:rogermoore435@yahoo.com" style=3D=
    "line-height: 1.22em; font-family: Verdana;" class=3D"">rogermoore435@yahoo=
    .com</a><span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"lin=
    e-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> [colonial-coins] wrote:<br style=3D"=
    line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>><span class=3D"Apple-converted-spa=
    ce"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> >=
    ; It sounds like people have an interest in getting together at C4 for<span=
    class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.2=
    2em;" class=3D"">>> a cft symposium. First in this process would be t=
    o get a time that we<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br =
    style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> could meet. I was thinki=
    ng three hours would be good, if we could get 5<span class=3D"Apple-convert=
    ed-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>&g=
    t; or 6 volunteers to give a Family update. Longer if a lot of people<span =
    class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22=
    em;" class=3D"">>> wanted to speak about a Family. Before going any f=
    ather in regard to<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br st=
    yle=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> who will speak on what, we=
    need the convention organizers to give us<span class=3D"Apple-converted-sp=
    ace"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> ti=
    me slots for a room that would be open for three hours and could<span class=
    =3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"line-height: 1.22em;" =
    class=3D"">>> accommodate (20? 30? Less?) people. For those intereste=
    d what are<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space"> </span><br style=3D"l=
    ine-height: 1.22em;" class=3D"">>> your feelings about this? If talks=
    are going to be given, some sort of<span class=3D"Apple-converted-space">
URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2015-07-12
  • 1

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