[Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence Público Deposited


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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Sun Jul 12 11:32:03 2015
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Symposium on Cft half pence
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>

    =C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 Have you done any auction catalogs that might be i=
    n my library?
    =C2=A0On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 09:29 AM, rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com=20
    [colonial-coins] wrote:
    > Hi Ray, I've been logging Ebay and UK dealers sales plus what I've had=20
    > to pay for cfts and evasions over the decade, I've paid over =C2=A31000 o=
    > a few lustrous or rare ones. Prices are in VG, F, VF and EF with a=20
    > guide to judging grades as the coins were often deliberately aged,=20
    > priced in USD. I have over 600 cfts myself so they proved useful in=20
    > compiling the book, I'm an auction cataloguer myself so editing etc=20
    > was no problem. The first 50 pages are the History of Counterfeiting=20
    > and a guide to spotting differences. I'll post a contents page soon=20
    > as I get home next week buddy! Best wishes Rick
    > ------------------------------
    > On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 1:00 PM BST Ray Williams njraywms@optonline.net=20
    > [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >> Rick,
    >> =C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 This sounds like just what the hobby needs!=C2=
    =A0 I've wanted the=20
    >> ctft chat groups to do this for over a decade.=C2=A0 Who did you use to =
    >> the editing?=C2=A0=C2=A0What did you use for the price guide?=C2=A0 Auct=
    >> Ebay?=C2=A0 Could you post the table of contents?
    >> Ray
    >> =C2=A0
    >> =C2=A0
    >> =C2=A0On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 07:51 AM, rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com=20
    >> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >> =C2=A0
    >> =C2=A0>
    >>> Hi Roger, I've written it over the past decade, about quarter from=20
    >>> my collection, others from friends etc, dates from 1700 to 1822 with=20
    >>> all major varieties I came across. Over 1000 images of cfts and=20
    >>> evasions. Galata Publishers and Clem kindly gave me the use of their=20
    >>> images. Token Publishers in Honiton, Devon published it last week=20
    >>> and are selling well. Retail 50USD but Forum members its 40USD plus=20
    >>> post. Its really to encourage new collectors plus set a price guide=20
    >>> for existing coins. Let me know if you'd like a copy! Bed wishes=20
    >>> Rick
    >>> ------------------------------
    >>> On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 3:22 AM BST rogermoore435@yahoo.com=20
    >>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>> Hi Rickie. I did not know about book. Who printed it? Who authored=20
    >>> it? What was it on? Roger
    >>> Sent from my iPhone
    >>>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 6:56 PM, rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com=20
    >>>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>>> Hi Roger, great idea, I'll try to make it ! I wonder if we combined=20
    >>>> the cfts with update on evasions we'd have more attendance? I've=20
    >>>> just finished stalling out at the summer FUN show were I sold out=20
    >>>> the 150 copies of newly printed book COUNTERFEIT GEORGIAN COPPER=20
    >>>> COINS so hopefully we'd get more than 25 attending Regards Rick
    >>>> ------------------------------
    >>>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 11:43 PM BST rick coleman r99cc@yahoo.com=20
    >>>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>>> ------------------------------
    >>>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 8:59 PM BST rogermoore435@yahoo.com=20
    >>>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>>> Ray, my guess is the actual participants and additional people=20
    >>>> would be only 25 or so but I agree we need to get a commitment. But=20
    >>>> to get a commitment we need to know the time that is open since=20
    >>>> some will be tied up at the bourse or not be able to attend at that=20
    >>>> time. Sort of a catch 22. In any case if my suggest goes over like=20
    >>>> a lead ballon, we need go no further. Roger
    >>>> Sent from my iPhone
    >>>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 3:43 PM, Ray Williams njraywms@optonline.net=20
    >>>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>>> Hi Roger,
    >>>> Let me try again... It sounds like a good idea. I don't know what=20
    >>>> time lengths are available for the room. Lets see how many you get=20
    >>>> to commit to attend. I'm sure we'll be able to figure out any=20
    >>>> needed A/V. Post also to contemporary cfts too. Jeff Lipsky has=20
    >>>> been working hard on educational events and already has a schedule=20
    >>>> of speakers. So when you have numbers and know what you'd like to=20
    >>>> accomplish, we can work on how to do it. But don't dawdle.
    >>>> Ray
    >>>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 02:40 PM, rogermoore435@yahoo.com=20
    >>>> [colonial-coins] wrote:
    >>>>> It sounds like people have an interest in getting together at C4=20
    >>>>> for
    >>>> a cft symposium. First in this process would be to get a time that=20
    >>>> we could meet. I was thinking three hours would be good, if we=20
    >>>> could get 5 or 6 volunteers to give a Family update. Longer if a=20
    >>>> lot of people wanted to speak about a Family. Before going any=20
    >>>> father in regard to who will speak on what, we need the convention=20
    >>>> organizers to give us time slots for a room that would be open for=20
    >>>> three hours and could accommodate (20? 30? Less?) people. For those=20
    >>>> interested what are your feelings about this? If talks are going to=20
    >>>> be given, some sort of screen and digital projector will be needed.=20
    >>>> Ray, are you involved with this C4 meeting? If not, whom should we=20
    >>>> contact? Just thought that if we were going to do this we need to=20
    >>>> get it organized early. We could also put together a booklet of=20
    >>>> plates for the Families we discuss for sale by C4 to anyone else=20
    >>>> interested. Just a thought. Roger
    >>>>> Sent from my iPhone
    >>>>> ------------------------------------
    >>>>> Posted by: rogermoore435@yahoo.com
    >>>>> ------------------------------------
    >>>>> ------------------------------------
    >>>>> Yahoo Groups Links
    >>> ------------------------------------
    >>> Posted by: rick coleman ------------------------------------
    >>> ------------------------------------
    >>> Yahoo Groups Links
    > ------------------------------------
    > Posted by: rick coleman ------------------------------------
    > ------------------------------------
    > Yahoo Groups Links
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  • 2015-07-12
  • 1


Autor NNP