WAYNE'S WORDS Público Deposited

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  • The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 24, June 11, 2006, Article 1


    Among our recent subscribers are Dr. Richard MacMaster, courtesy
    of Dave Bowers, Bill Bugert, courtesy of Dick Johnson, Bill Yarger,
    Remy Bourne, Peter Mosiondz, Jr., David M. Walsworth and Canan Ozbil.
    Welcome aboard! We now have 925 subscribers. Who will be number 1,000?

    Due to technical difficulties, this week's issue did not go out until
    Monday morning. Sorry! And speaking of difficulties, regarding the
    mangled date on last week's issue, Harold Levi writes: "I know, this
    was a test to see how many readers would notice the wrong date on the
    last issue - - April 4, 2006?

    A year or two ago, Karl Moulton, in one of his fixed price catalogues,
    commented in the description of one of the 1880s auction catalogues
    that there were no airmail stamps in the nice run of stamps listed
    in the catalogue. I asked Karl the same question, was this a test?"

    Well, Harold was the first reader to report noticing the E-Sylum date
    problem and Karl was second; David Gladfelter was the third. Thanks
    for keeping me honest! At least we nipped the problem in the bud.
    As noted in an earlier E-Sylum, "The New York Times used the new
    millennium to fess up to a mistake that had appeared on its front
    page every day for more than a century."

    And how many noticed the YEAR in that issue's header? 8-)

    On another topic, I don’t know how to configure our email system
    not to tell people to send submissions to esylum@binhost.com, but
    please don’t. Always email them to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com.
    This is more of a problem for people who use the Digest option.
    Since we only have one issue a week digests are unnecessary, so if
    you subscribed to the digest option, consider changing your
    subscription. When you hit Reply to a regular (non-digest) version
    of an E-Sylum issue, your reply will go to the correct address.

    This week's lead item will be a shocker for those who haven’t heard
    the sad news. Next is a report on results from George Kolbe's 100th
    numismatic literature sale, followed by reports on new books on
    coins and medals ranging from Elizabeth I to outer space.

    Also in the shocker category is a report from Forbes magazine that
    investors in the Central America gold treasure apparently have yet
    to be paid, and the proceeds have gone missing.

    Two articles discuss the disposition of bank corporate archives,
    one dispersed long ago but another, dating to 1803 which may someday
    be made available to researchers.

    Inquiries this week range from a verification of John J. Ford's
    signature to an 1871 Strobridge sale lot of Magdalen Island coinage.
    Query answer topics include the Feversham Hoard, the Devonshire sale
    catalog, the two versions of the Delieb-Roberts book on Matthew
    Boulton, Civil War identification discs, and an outpouring of
    information on The Numismatic Pilot.

    Ever wonder where the phrase "a Penny for your thoughts" came from?
    Read on to find out. Have a great week, everyone!

    Wayne Homren
    Numismatic Bibliomania Society

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2006-06-11
  • 9


Autor do PNN