WHAT'S A BINDING WORTH? Público Deposited
The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 17, April 23, 2000, Article 4
NBS Vice President Tom Sheehan writes: "I recently purchased
a set of numismatic books that came in two or three bindings with
a couple of volumes unbound. I decided that the set would be
both more usable if bound and more attractive. Now I didn't hold
back much, if anything, in the binding. The cost of binding and the
shipping equaled one third of what I paid for the set.It is entirely possible that my two-year-old granddaughter will be
the financial benefactor. In the meantime I have a "killer" set for
my bookshelf. I find it hard to pass that section of the shelf
without admiring the spines or picking one off the shelf just to
hold or rummage through.Others might spend two or three thousand dollars to put a real
nice paint job on an vintage automobile and know they will
never make a dime on the deal. We can have pride of ownership
in numismatics just like in other hobbies."- 2000-04-23
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