GEORGE KIMMICH Público Deposited


Contenido del artículo
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 24, June 11, 2006, Article 22


    George Kimmich writes: "I ran into a good friend of mine, Nick Graver,
    when I was shopping last week. He and I share a long-standing mutual
    interest in numismatics, including exonumia. Nick was waxing eloquent
    about the value of the wide ranging numismatic topics covered in your
    weekly newsletter and said that "the best thing he could ever do for
    me was to 'introduce me' to your newsletter". He shared a recent
    example, and I went directly to your website and enrolled as a
    'subscriber' myself. Thank you!

    I retired recently after 34 years as a faculty member in Biochemistry
    at the University of Rochester. I have multiple numismatic interests,
    but Civil War Tokens are of particular interest and have held my
    attention the longest."

    [Welcome to Richard, George, and all of our recent subscribers.
    Word of mouth is our best advertisement. I really appreciate
    it when subscribers recruit others into our ranks. Our little
    "online clubhouse" is getting bigger all the time, but the more
    the merrier. -Editor]

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2006-06-11
  • 9


Autor NNP