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  • The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 41, October 8, 2006, Article 5


    Steve Pellegrini writes: "For years I have collected historic
    medals, always contemporary to the events they commemorate. I
    have, over time, been interested in so many diverse eras and
    medals that my library is pretty extensive and diverse. My
    library has always been more of an accumulation of 'needed'
    information, a working library rather than a connoisseur's
    library of rare numismatic literature. However, this time out
    the book I am in need of and searching for bridges both types
    of libraries.

    About eight years ago I became interested in collecting medals
    by the early 20th century Munich medalist Karl Goetz. This led
    me to an interest in the works of the best of his contemporaries.
    Many of these were young artists experimenting in artistic styles
    counter to the pervasive & prevailing influence of French
    medalists. Eventually I found that the medals of these artists
    I was collecting were from World War One. This interest in turn
    led me to the medals of other countries involved in that horrific

    Naturally my library reflects this ongoing interest in the 1914-1919
    years. I have acquired many of the best references concerning medals
    issued during that conflict and its aftermath. However there is a
    gaping hole in my reference library. I lack a reference for the many
    medals issued by Belgium during the war. At this time Belgium, like
    Germany, was rich in young artistic talent interested in working in
    the medallic medium. These artists created some of the most
    significant medals of that war. But surprisingly, there is no
    readily available catalogue of these works.

    As I understand it there is one very fine reference to Belgium's WWI
    medals. It is supposed to be extremely scarce and I have never run
    across it or even its title. Does anyone out there know the book that
    I might be referring to? If I had its title, author or ISBN perhaps
    I could locate a copy. If any E-Sylum reader could supply me with
    info on any reference book dedicated to Belgian medals of the
    1914-1919 period I would be so very grateful."

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2006-10-08
  • 9


Autor NNP