The E-Sylum: Volume 10, Number 23, June 10, 2007, Article 15
Dave Ginsburg writes: "I've been continuing my numismatic research
and writing. I recently submitted an article summarizing the
officers of the New Orleans Mint up to the Civil War to the Southern
Gold Society Newsletter - thanks to the Senate Executive Journal
on the Library of Congress' website."I'm also delighted to be able to say that, courtesy of my daughter
the college freshman, I have some access to the US Serial Set and to
the 'usual' 19th century sources (Hunt's Merchant Magazine, Bankers'
Magazine and Niles' Register, etc.)!"I forsee many, many months of happy research ahead! (It's especially
wonderful to have access to the Congressional Committee reports and
to the pre-Civil War Annual Reports of the Mint.)"As an aside, I was re-reading your October 2006 review of Doug
Winter's Gold Coins of the New Orleans Mint and noticed your comment
that there wasn't a reference, in Greg Lambousy's chapter, to the
article ("United States Branch Mint at New Orleans") by J.L. Riddell
that appeared in the January 1846 issue of Hunt's Merchant Magazine."Now that I have access to that article, I wanted to mention that
it is substantially similar to the 1845 pamphlet written by Riddell
(and reprinted in The Numismatist many years ago). Also, essentially
the same information appeared in an article in the June 1847 issue
of DeBow's Review."There must have been something of a dearth of original material
in those days - so much was reprinted from other sources! (I noticed
that DeBow's made a particular practice of this.)"[Best of luck to Dave in his research. I'm convinced that there
are thousands of fascinating numismatic nuggets waiting to be
discovered in the journals and periodical sets he's reviewing.
His account of the personnel of the New Orleans Mint is a fine
southerngoldsociety.orgDOUG WINTER'S GOLD COINS OF THE NEW ORLEANS MINT: 1839-1909
esylum_v09n23a03.htmlBOOK REVIEW: GOLD COINS OF THE NEW ORLEANS MINT 1839-1909
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