Contenu de l'article
  • The E-Sylum: Volume 10, Number 45, November 4, 2007, Article 17


    [The following Press Release was published Monday,
    October 29, 2007. -Editor]

    The Canadian Numismatic Association announces that it has
    been granted the privilege from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
    the Second to change its name to The Royal Canadian Numismatic
    Association and its equivalent in French, l’Association
    canadienne royale de numismatique. Michael Walsh, president
    of Canada’s national numismatic organization, states, “I
    have the honour of announcing that Her Majesty has granted
    use of the title ‘Royal’ by The Canadian Numismatic Association.
    I wish to recognize the dedicated efforts of my predecessor,
    Charles Moore, and of Doug Andrews, that have allowed the
    CNA to achieve this prestigious distinction.”

    In November 2006, Her Excellency the Governor General of
    Canada, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, accepted an
    invitation from the CNA to serve as its Honourary Patron.
    “The Governor General’s acceptance was greeted with
    enthusiastic approval and support throughout the membership,
    and everyone with whom I have spoken has seen it as a
    positive development,” says Walsh. The CNA Executive moved
    forward, giving unanimous support at its Spring 2007
    meeting to initiate the process of seeking permission
    to adopt the Royal title.

    Walsh indicates, “I welcome this announcement and
    celebrate it as an indication of the esteem in which
    our Association is held. The Canadian Numismatic Association
    is a fifty-seven-year-old institution with a wonderful
    history and a proud tradition. Adding ‘Royal’ to our name
    will not change that, but it will give us more prominence
    in the eyes of many collectors. And because of this, we will
    very likely see our membership numbers grow and our
    Association strengthen.”

    “Numismatists, in particular, recognize the importance
    of the monarchy in Canada’s unique heritage, and the
    enduring recognition that it receives on all coins produced
    by the Royal Canadian Mint.”

    “The Queen has expressed her will, and we are now entitled
    to use the name that we sought: ‘The Royal Canadian Numismatic
    Association/l’Association canadienne royale du numismatique.’
    A letter of acceptance and thanks has been forwarded to Her
    Majesty. Our next step is to follow protocol for amending
    our constitution to reflect the name change.”

URL source Date publiée
  • 2007-11-04
  • 10

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