The E-Sylum: Volume 10, Number 48, November 25, 2007, Article 3
[Don Cleveland forwarded the following release from the
International Banknote Society - a call for offers for the
purchase of the IBNS European Library. -Editor]At the Board meeting of the International Bank Note Society
(IBNS), held in Memphis in July 2007, it was decided to
dispose of the European Library operated by the IBNS. It
has become apparent over the last several years that there
is little to no call for the Library. Borrowings from the
Library have been extremely low and there continues to be
little call for material to be used by members. Speculation
can be made as to why this is the case, but the widespread
availability of material on the internet, the ready access
to more up-to-date material, and the high postage costs for
the borrower have all contributed to the under-use of the
library.It has been decided by the Board that the Library will be
sold as one lot. This document calls for offers for the Library,
which may result in the sale of the Library. Should the Library
not be sold, the Board will consider other methods of disposal.The Library is currently stored in Prague, within the Czech
Republic. All books are in average condition, with some in
better condition and others in less-than-average condition. As
the books are already packed in storage, it is not possible to
check on specific volumes. It is estimated that the entire
Library weighs approximately one ton, but this is only a rough
estimate.By email: peter@pjsymes.com.au
By post: Peter Symes
GPO Box 933
Sydney NSW 2001
AUSTRALIAQuestions concerning the Library may be directed to Peter Symes
at either address above.Any additional information concerning this offer, including all
questions and answers by prospective bidders will be posted
periodically to the IBNS web site at
LibrarySale.htm- 2007-11-25
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