I.O.U.S.A Pubblico Deposited


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  • An E-Sylum reader sent us this review of the new film I.O.U.S.A. My apologies for the political slant, but it does provide some background on the revolving door at the office of Treasury Secretary, signer of U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. -Editor
    I saw the film I.O.U.S.A. with Warren Buffett last night. It was one of those single-showing event broadcasts. First they showed the film, then there was a live panel discussion with investor Warren Buffett from an auditorium in Omaha.

    The film made heavy use of numismatic icons. There were lots of graphics of coins and paper money and many videos of newly printed notes rolling off the printing presses. Also used were graphics comprised of parts of paper money, such as the portraits, building vignettes, and frame engraving.

    One of the more surprising interviews was of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. He claimed that his unwillingness to go along with the Bush Administration's fiscal policy got him fired. Presumably to spare him embarrassment, VP Dick Cheney told O'Neill to issue a press release in which his leave-taking would be presented as a resignation to resume work in the private sector. I only vaguely remember the contemporary reporting on this, but in the interview, O'Neill says he was fired. I think his successor, John Snow, may have met a similar fate.

    In the discussion after the film, Warren Buffett sounded like a cheerleader for the American economy, using Buffett's name in the title seems to have worked. The theater was about half full. At $18.00 a ticket, that's not bad.

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2008-08-24
  • 11

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