Argentum Dei Public Deposited
Money or goods given to bind an agreement; specifically in law, the pay- ment of part of the price by the buyer of a commodity as a guarantee that he will uphold the bargain.
" If any part of the price is paid down, if it be but a penny, or any portion of the goods delivered by way of earnest (which the civil law calls arrha and interprets to be emptionis venditioni contractae argu- mentum ), the property of the goods is abso- lutely bound by it. " -- Blackstone, Com- mentaries (ii. 30).
" To constitute earnest the thing must be given as a token of ratification of the contract, and it should be expressly stated so by the giver." Chitty, Common Law Practice (iii. 289).
" Argentnm Dei, God's money, i.e., money given in earnest upon the making of any bargain." Blount, Law Dictionary , 1670.
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)