Argentum Oscense Publique Deposited

  • A coin of the weight of a Roman Denarius but bearing as types: obverse, a youthful or bearded male head ; reverse, a horseman, was issued in the second and first centuries B.C. from vari- ous mints in Spain to facilitate exchange between the local population and the Ro- mans. This coin is spoken of as Argentum Oscense and Oscenscs by Livy (xxxiv, 10; 46; xl, 43). The name is derived from the city of Osca (the modern Huesca) in Tar- raconensis which was the capital of Ser- torius and, owing to the proximity of large silver mines, was the principal place of issue of this coinage.

La source
  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)

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