Asadi Ghrush Publique Deposited

  • The name given by the Turks to the Austrian Thaler, and the Rix Daler of the Low Countries, which were the principal large silver coins current in the Ottoman Empire prior to the reign of Soleiman II, who introduced the Ghrush, or Piastre, in imitation of these coins.

    Marsden, howeVer (i. 373), quotes Me- ninski, that, the Utuzlik, or Zolota, a smaller coin, was " Thalerus Hollandicus floreno Rhenensi aequivalens."

    The confusion is probably due to the fact that the Piastre and the Utuzlik are of nearly the same size.

La source
  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)

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