Bauern Thaler Público Deposited

  • The common designa- tion for a small brass token bearing the inscription WER MICH LAST STEHEN DEM WIRDS VBEL GEHEN, and on the reverse, BEHALT MIR NICH DAS RATE ICH DICH.

    The object of these pieces was the fol- lowing : whenever it was necessary to con- voke an important convention of peasants living at some distance apart, the head of the community despatched a message to the nearest farmer with this token and a summons. The latter in his turn was ex- pected to notify his nearest neighbor, and each recipient pursued the same course until all had been informed.

    These tokens were common in Westpha- lia during the eighteenth century.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
