Escalin 上市 Deposited

  • A silver coin current in the various provinces of the Low Countries since the latter part of the sixteenth century. It is the same as the Schelling (q.v.), but the term Escalin was generally applied to such coins as were employed in the trade outside of the Netherlands proper. Thus the issues of the Compagnie van Verre of Amserdam struck for Java in 1601 were called Escalins or Reals, and had a value of 48 Dutes. See Netscher en Van der Chijs, De Munten van Nederlandsch-Indie. 1863. (i. 4). Verkade, Muntboek. 1848.(199. 4).

    Mailliet (cxxxi.) cites an obsidional Escalin struck for Zeeland in 1672.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
