Real Portuguez Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • A silver coin of Portugal which first appeared in the reign of Fernando I (1367-1383) and was equal to ten Dinheiros. A somewhat smaller va- riety was issued under Joao I (1383-1433) ; it was called the Real Cruzado and had a value of only nine Dinheiros. Still an- other variety, known as the Real Grosso, was struck in the reign of Alfonso V (1438- 1481) and was valued at eleven Dinheiros. Some later issues show a value of ten Soldos, and others of forty Reis on the face of the coins, and when the Real was struck in copper in the reign of Sebastian (1557-1578) its value declined to one tenth of its silver predecessors. The half Real was commonly known as Chimfram.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
