Rijder Pubblico Deposited

  • A coin of the United Provinces, Friesland, etc. It obtains its name from the armored knight on horseback figured on the obverse, and the term was applied to any coin bearing this device irrespective of the metal. The issues in gold, called Gouden Rijder were synonymous with the Scottish Rider of James III, and the French Cavalier. The gold Rijder of Gueldres was first issued in 1581 and that of Friesland in 1583. The Nederlandsche Rijder was ordered to be struck early in the year 1606 according to the Muntplacaat of that year.

    The silver Rijder, or Rijderclaalder was also originally issued in 1581 according to the Ordonnantie. It was copied in Fries- land, etc. This coin is sometimes referred to as the Ducaton, and it was usually com- puted at forty Stuivers.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)

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