Roanoake Público Deposited

  • An inferior kind of "Wam- pum made and used by the natives of Vir- ginia.

    Captain Smith in his work on Virginia, 1624 (iii. 418), mentions "Kawranoke or white beads that occasion as much dissen- tion among the Salvages {sic), as gold and siluer amongst Christians."

    In the Statutes of Virginia for 1656 (repr. 1823, i. 397) it was ordered that "Peeces of eight that are good and of silver shall pass for five shillings, and Roanoake and Wompompeeke to keep their wonted value. ' '

    Sir W. Talbot in describing the Discov- eries of J. Lederer, 1672 (27), says, "Their currant Coyn of small shells, which they call Roanoack or Peaek."

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
