Sen 上市 Deposited

  • A word meaning a fountain, was applied to certain Japanese coins as early as the eighth century. Copper was discovered in Japan A.D. 707-708, and a metallic currency was at once introduced. The Sen was cast in copper. Conf. Munro (passim). This coinage, with fluctuating values, was in use until A.D. 958, and then for over six hundred years no coins were made in Japan. In 1587 the manufacture of copper Sen was resumed, and was continued until 1863, when this coinage ceased. Occasional iron specimens occur.

    The Sen of the present Japanese coinage is the one hundredth part of the Yen (q.v.). Multiples exist in nickel and silver. Conf. Chien. See Jiu Ni Zene, and Kwan Ei Sen.

    The same designation is used in the coinage of the Malay Peninsula as an equivalent for Cent. See Pitje.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
