Sicca Rupee 上市 Deposited

  • A silver coin of Bengal, mention of which is made in the seventeenth century. By the treaty of 1765, it was agreed that all of these Rupees, commonly known as Siccas, be henceforth struck at Murshidabad.

    The Siri Sicca was the coin of the Hindu rajahs previous to the Muhammadan conquest. Of many other varieties, the Chandor, Belapuri, Chulnee, and Moonkhee Siccas obtained their names from the towns in which they were coined.

    The name is derived from the Arabic sika, meaning a coining die.

    A type of the gold Mohur struck by the East India Company A.H. 1202, and later, is known as the Sicca Mohur.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
