Vuurijzer Público Deposited

  • A silver coin of the fifteenth century issued in Brabant, Burgundy, and the Low Countries. It has on the obverse the figure of a lion holding a fire-steel in his claw. There are corresponding doubles, halves, and quarters.

    The word means a steel for striking fire, and the chain attached to the Order of the Golden Fleece instituted in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, was decor- ated with sparkling precious stones, and golden fire-steels.

    The Dutch equivalent is Vuurijzer, and by this name these coins are known in Hol- land, Gueldres, etc. See Azzalino and Fewreysen.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
