Dram Pubblico Deposited
The unit of the silver coinage of Greece, the normal weight of which in the Attic standard was 4.367 grammes, or 67.28 grains.
The name is derived from the Greek verb ... , i.e., to grasp, to hold, literally a handful, or as much as can be conveniently held in the hand to be put in the scales for weighing.
The multiples of the Drachm are:
Dodecadrachm = 12 Drachms Decadrachm = 10 Drachms Octodrachm = 8 Drachms Hexadrachm = 6 Drachms Pentadrachm = 5 Drachms Tetradrachm = 4 Drachms Didrachm, or Stater = 2 Drachms
But no single monetary system possesses all of these types.
The Drachm was equal to six Obols or Oboli (q.v.).
The first coined piece known to the Hebrews was the Persian Daric (q.v.). This is rendered as Dram in the authorized version. See I Chronicles (xxix. 7), Ezra (ii. 69), and Nehemiah (vii. 70-72).
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)