Kreuzthaler Pubblico Deposited
A silver coin struck for the Low Countries by Albert, Archduke of Austria, and of the same design as the Albertin (q.v.). From the Burgundy cross on the reverse these pieces are also called Kreuzthaler and Burgunderthaler. Their value was three Gulden or fifty Patards.
The coin was copied in Holstein, Bruns- wick, Brandenburg, etc. Those of Freder- ick II bear the inscription NACH DEM FVS DER ALBERTVS THALER, and those of Fred- erick William II, struck in 1797, read, AD NORMAM TALERORUM ALBERTI. Correspond- ing smaller silver coins of the same design as the Albertusthaler were called respect- ively Albertusgulden and Albertusgros- chen.
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)