Panterino Publique Deposited
An Italian coin which oc- curs both in copper and billon and which originally was the fourth part of the Grosso (q.v.). It was issued at Ferrara, Milan. Bolofma, Venice, and other Italian states. A reference to this coin is found in a ballad circulated in Florence shortly after Martin V had been elected Pope in 1415 ; he is thus referred to : Papa Martino Non vale un quattrino.
The Quattrino was later made the fifth part (sic) of the Baioccho (q.v.). Multi- ples exist of three Quattrini in copper, and five and ten Quattrini in silver.
The one in the Papal series is generally known as the Quattrino Romano, and one struck for Lucca from 1684 to 1733 on which there is a figure of a panther sup- porting the municipal arms is called the Quattrino Panterino. It was of silver and of the value of one eighth of the Bolognino. See Ducato.
The Quattrino is in all probability the coin referred to by Andrew Boorde, in his Introduction to Knowledge, 1547 (179), who says " In bras they haue Kateryns and byokes and denares. "
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)