Perkin Warbeck Groat Public Deposited

  • In Ruding (Suppl. Plate iii. No. 33) is given the rep- resentation of a silver coin which is pre- sumed to have been struck by the Duchess of Burgundy for Perkin Warbeck, when he set out to invade England in the year 1495. On what ground this appropriation has been made, Ruding was never able to discover. The coin bears date 1494, but no evidence whatever of the mint where it was struck, or the authority by which it was coined exists. The very singular legend on the reverse mani teckel phares *1494* may possibly have been intended as a prophetic threat to Henry; but this sup- position is not warranted by any known record, nor is this coin mentioned by any historian of that period. The motto on the obverse, domine salvvm fac regem, is taken from Psalms xx. 9, and that on the reverse is the denunciation against Bel- shazzar. See Daniel (v. 25). The date appears to have been the chief, if not the only reason for the appropriation. Wise says, "ejus \ncmpe Warbeck | gratia mini- mum sequentem in Burgundia fusion fuiss( putant antiquarii, propter epocam inscrip- tarn," Num. Bodleian. Cat. (p. 241). If it were really struck by order of the Duchess of Burgundy, it might be expected that the rose would have been made more conspicuously prominent than it is upon the coin, bearing in mind the fact that she gave Perkin Warbeck the title of the White Rose of England.

  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)
