Points Secrets Publique Deposited

  • A term used by French numismatists to indicate the place of mint- age. The custom was introduced in France about 1415 by putting a period or similar mark under certain letters of the inscription. Thus a dot under the fourth letter showed that the coin was struck at. Montpellier, under the ninth letter at La Rochelle, etc.

    On the 18th of April, 1420, an ordi- nance was issued, directed to the wardens of the mint of St. Lo, commanding them "to coin Groats, of the same kind as those which were ordered to be struck at Rouen, by the writ bearing' date on the twelfth of January, with this distinction only, that a single point was to be placed under the second letter from the beginning of the inscription on each side of the coin."

La source
  • Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)

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