Portugaloser Public Deposited
The Portuguez was cop- ied in various parts of Germany, Transyl- vania, Poland, etc., with a value of ten Ducats or Kronen, and received the above name. These coins are semi-medallic in character and were struck for presentation purposes and not for general circulation.
When the Bank of Hamburg was founded in 1667, a number of these pieces were issued, called Bankportugaloser, and the custom lias been kepi up in that city to comparatively recent times, 1<> commem- orate any important historical event. These beautiful gold coins generally have views (if the city-towers, etc., and the in- scription MON ETA . NOVA AVREA . CIVITATIS . HAMBVBGENS . NACH . PORTVGALIS . SCHROT . VND . KORN.
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)