Pudsey Sixpence 上市 Deposited
The name given to a variety of an Elizabethan Sixpence, upon which a large escallop shell has been stamped. Hawkins contends that "they are nothing more than the caprice prob- ably of some silversmith,"but Ruding in a note states that they were "said to have been made current in Ireland For a, shil- ling, to pay the army in the time of the Rebellion there, by I he advice of one Pud- sey, who was afterwards executed Cor giv- ing it."
In another note Ruding quotes Browne Willis, who says "this was called the Pud sey sixpence from the place where I he sil- ver was dug in Yorkshire."
- Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)