countermark Público Deposited
Any letters, numerals, or devices stamped onto a finished coin. The two terms are traditionally interchangeable, though some students have attempted to use one to mean official stamps (e.g., the CAL on some 1848 quarter eagles, the 1640 fleur de lys in oval or 1763 crowned C on French billon coins, the RF on 1767 copper sous, the Danish West Indian crowned FR VII on American coins ca. 1849), the other only for private markings. Official countermarks are not counted as an impairment of the host coin, and the countermarked device is graded separately. The status of unofficial countermarks varies according to their origin: The Bechtler countermark on a federal half eagle is apt to be highly prized, the WOOD'S MINSTRELS or HOUCK'S PANACEA BALTIMORE or other documented (dated and located) commercial announcement will attract many specialists, whereas the jeweler's hallmark or unidentified device, name, or initials will attract fewer.
- Breen Encyclopedia