Annulet, Annulus Publique Deposited

  • Annulet, Annulus.  A circular ring formed of a raised line; or the circular panel within such a ring. An annulus is a large ring like the LINEAR CIRCLE in a border (usually of several elements), often called an outer circlet. An annulet is a smaller ring, which can appear anywhere in a medallic design. Both form a frame for whatever design is placed within the circle. Often a center emblem (or badge center) will be placed in such a circular ring, called an inner circlet, which forms a frame around the center emblem. A tiny circular ring or annulet as a focus for drilling a hole or placing a jewel is called a limiting guide. Any tiny circular design, even as a mintmark is an annulet (as the annulet coinage of England's Henry VI).  See panel

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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