Anode 上市 Deposited
- Anode. A metallic terminal in electrolysis. A copper ingot anode is the positive terminal in electrolysis to effect copper plating or electroforming. While anodes of alloy metal can be used, pure element metal anodes are preferred: copper, silver, nickel, gold are used in medallic work; platinum, iridium and others in jewelry. The anodes are positively charged, the work becomes the cathode and is negatively charged; when both are immersed in a electrolyte and the current turned on, ions from the copper anode constantly pass into the electrolyte. Since the cathode is negatively charged the ions from the solution are constantly deposited on the cathode. Thus anodes are the source of the metal. Usually in bar form, anodes are "eaten away" and must be replaced periodically. If not in bar form loose metal can be placed in an anode bag or basket. See electrolysis.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor