Associated Item Público Deposited
- Associated Item. A nonnumismatic item that can be exhibited with a numismatic or medallic item. The association can be one of subject matter, the person or event shown on the piece, or of its designer or artist. Such "go-with" items include photographs, prints, paintings, drawings, letters, documents, books, pamphlets, articles, posters, postage stamps, postcards, covers, tickets, programs, trading cards, or in fact, an artifact of most any kind. Usually associated items are concerned with the person portrayed, thus any personal item of that person qualifies as an associated item, as, say, George Washington's bifocals with a Washington medal. In many museums, displays of medallic items are often the associated item, as an exhibit of a prominent person with the medals that person has won, or those that bear the portrait of that person.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor