Branch Mint Pubblico Deposited
- Branch Mint. A subsidiary mint in countries with more than one national mint. Branch mints are more concerned with production of struck pieces and may not have the capability of engraving and die production. In the United States, the Philadelphia Mint prepares dies for all branch mints (until 1994 when some dies were made at the Denver Mint) – including San Francisco, West Point, and formerly in New Orleans, Carson City, Dahlonaga Georgia.The Royal Canadian Mint, was established in Ottawa, Ontario in 1908 as a branch of England's Royal Mint; it became a Canadian Crown Corporation 1960. It now has branch mints in Hull, Quebec (since 1965 for numismatic products), and Winnipeg (since 1975 for high production coinage). Other countries that have branch mints include France, Germany, India, Japan in addition to the United States and Canada.The first branch mints were established by Isaac Newton (1642-1727) in England, after he was made warden of the London Mint in 1696. He oversaw the establishment of branch mints in Bristol, Chester, Exeter, Norwich and York. Dies would be made at the Royal Mint in London, shipped to these branch mints and coins struck there. Medieval hammered coinages of England were struck in numerous authorized minting facilities in towns throughout the kingdom during the 11th to 17th century. [MSOffice3] Branch mints are established, in any country from the 17th century through the 20th century, for the same reasons: to meet local demand for coin, and to reduce costs of transporting bullion or struck coin.References: CH54 {1983} Haxby.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor