Canneluring Machine Public Deposited
- Canneluring Machine. A mechanical device for applying a groove to the edge of blanks prior to their being struck; the groove usually contains ornamentation – engrailment – or lettering. Blanks are rolled under pressure between two grooved bars, one of which has lettering or design engraved therein. The lettering or ornamentation is imparted to the edge of the blank in its depressed groove while the edge is somewhat smoothed (the edge may then become slightly smashed by the collar when the piece is subsequently struck in the coining press). The word comes from the French, canneler, a groove especially in a cylinder. An early canneluring machine for coining purposes was invented by Jean Castaing, thus some are called castaing machines. Modern upsetting machines accomplish a similar smoothing of the edge (but without the groove) and were undoubtedly derived from these early edge-treating machines. See edge, engrailment. References: C66 {1988} Cooper pp 102-105, 194.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor