Consimilar Public Deposited

  • Consimilar.  Having both sides alike or nearly so; said of a medallic item in which both obverse and reverse dies are alike, as both made from the same hub, model, punch or master pattern. This occurred among the many muleings of medals struck by American medalist and copyist James Bolen (1826- 1907).  He had issued two George Washington medals with the same diameter and the same portrait of Washington. Undoubtedly he used the same punch of a Washington bust creating the dies for both medals. One die bore the legend washington (Baker 92) and the other bore the legend the father of our country (Baker 93). When these two obverse dies were muled they formed a consimilar medal.

    A recent example in the 20th century is the MONY Client Service Medal of 1962, struck by Medallic Art Company. From the model by John Terken, two identical dies were cut on the Janvier pantograph. The obverse and its mated reverse are exactly alike.

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor
