Die Draw Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • Die Draw.  Metal flow into – then out of – a die cavity during striking. Particularly occurring during multiple striking, metal may flow into the die cavity (as intended), but then flow out, not as intended (particularly during subsequent strikes). Pressmen find this serious in coining, with only one blow to fully strike up a piece; for multiple striking it is less serious. Die draw may first appear to the inexperienced eye as a piece not fully struck up (and be an example of ghosting). However in such pieces the depressed area has a smooth surface. The diagnostic for true die draw is where the depressed area is not smooth; in the worst cases die draw will have a slightly rippled surface.

    Solving the die draw problem.  Die draw is resolved in coining by applying

    slightly greater pressure. A multiple struck piece with die draw is resolved by hitting the edge of the struck piece with a sharp blow of a hammer – this realigns the molecular arrangement somewhat and is a form of temper adjusting – then placing the piece back on the press for one or more blows from the dies, or until the piece is fully struck up with all detail sharp and perfect.

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor
